
Run the Wraschtil-Mile!

Take up the challenge and give your best over 1,609 metres on the Vienna world record track.

The Vienna Athletics Association (WLV) is celebrating its 75th anniversary. The ‘Hermann Wraschtil Mile’ will therefore take place on 18 October. You can be part of it!

1,609 metres - just over four laps of the track at the Vienna Athletics Centre: there are only 80 starting places for amateur runners for this race. Take the opportunity to give your best at the scene of a magnificent world record run*.

  • When: Friday, 18 October 2024
  • Where: Vienna Athletics Centre, Meiereistraße 18, 1020 Vienna
  • From 15:45: 4 runs with 20 participants each for amateur runners (not affiliated to an Austrian Athletics club)
  • Award ceremony & prizes for the top 3 women and men
  • Participation fee 10,- Euro

For binding registration write to Enter your name, year of birth and a realistic mile time for you.

Take on the challenge and bring out all your speed!

Starting places are limited and will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. The latest registration deadline is 15 October, if places are still available by then.

>> You can find all the information here!

There will also be two races for elite and club athletes at 16:45 and 17:00, for which there is a separate registration via the Austrian Athletics Federation ÖLV.

You can watch the top runners up close and cheer them on.

We look forward to welcoming many interested people from the running community!

Tickets for the anniversary celebration

The 75th anniversary celebration of the WLV begins at 6 pm in the VIP Club of the Ernst Happel Stadium with the Vienna Olympic athletes and the athletics stars of tomorrow.

>> You can book tickets for this unforgettable evening here.

Catering and an inspiring programme are included. Look forward to world record honours, pioneering running performances and video highlights with sports-loving guests.

Wondering what the term ‘Wraschtil Mile’ is all about?

Understandable. Hermann Wraschtil was a world-class Austrian runner who came sixth in the 1,500m race and fifth in the 2,500m steeplechase at the 1900 (!) Olympic Games in Paris. He was president of the Austrian Athletics Federation from 1920 to 1938 and from 1945 to 1950.

The Wraschtil Mile was organised for the first time in 1951 to celebrate the achievements of this influential sports personality. To mark the 75th anniversary of the Vienna Athletics Association, this event is being relaunched and invites both top and amateur runners to take part.

Venue for legendary world record

* Henry Rono ran a new 10,000m world record on 11 June 1978 at the Vienna Athletics Centre, then known as ‘Cricket Platz’. The Kenyan achieved a time of 27:22.47 minutes. To mark the association's anniversary, the WLV will present a world record plaque to commemorate the sensational run.

Vienna Athletics Association (WLV) & Vienna City Marathon

The VCM Group is supporting the Vienna Athletics Association in preparing the anniversary celebrations and the Wraschtil Mile. The WLV and its current president Roland Gusenbauer made a decisive contribution to the founding of the marathon in Vienna in the 1980s.